AV Hire

Quick guide for sourcing a webcasting venue

So you’ve drawn the short straw and it’s your turn to organise the company conference, the brief make it better than last year and with less budget - Oh and the boss wants it live streamed!!! Don’t worry; hopefully our little guide will help when choosing a venue. Is there adequate internet access? Obviously [...]

YouTube vs Vimeo – a video company’s opinion

There are many comparison reviews but this is our personal day to day experience using YouTube and Vimeo, hope it’s of some help Video creation is on the up and now an essential part of any online marketing strategy, so we’re constantly asked by clients “which is the best platform to upload video content to, [...]

Well that went well – Successful webcasting

Around the world companies of all sizes are realizing the benefits of directly communicating with staff and customers via webcasting, some more successfully than others! So how do you quantify the success and value of a webcast? For each company it will be different but here are our key markers. Viewer numbers: Total number [...]

Questions to ask when choosing a webcasting company

So sorting the webcast for the next company meeting has landed on your desk, don’t panic!! Here are eight questions that should help you on your way when choosing the right supplier. 1: Have they got a quantifiable and proven successful track record? Quickly select the top 3 candidates by checking out their website [...]

Would you risk a Skype call on a live event?

I’d bet my best conker on the fact that everyone at some point has experienced a dropped call on Skype, especially when using video, so why would you ever risk it on a live event? Well it seems Skype has come of age utilising a clever new box from NewTek called “TalkShow” TalkShow is [...]

The advantages of video on demand

We’re living in a world that demands increasing access to video content anywhere, anytime, on any device. This style of on demand viewing is becoming the norm and lends itself well for webcasts to engage with more viewers, broaden their reach, and increase the longevity of the event messaging. We recently filmed and streamed [...]

Small Events Big Impact

Webcasting, live streaming, call it what you will, it is here to stay and now should be a consideration for any size of event, enabling far greater reach and an interactive experience for remote audiences. It is fair to say that pretty much anyone these days with a bit of tech savvy knowledge and [...]

Is streaming a real option for small festivals and live events?

The larger festivals have it all sewn up with deals with major broadcasters and sponsors but that still leaves plenty of opportunity for smaller events. Three core Benefits for smaller festivals by live streaming Attractive exposure for unknown and upcoming bands with reduced concerns about expensive copyrights. Smaller festivals benefit by increased exposure and the possibility [...]

When broadband just isn’t an option – Satellite?

There are 3 good options, for streaming live events without the security of a dedicated broadband uplink; however as always, all have pros and cons. Wi-Fi: If a dedicated Wi-Fi network is available, great. If it has shared access, it will be subject to fluctuation of bandwidth. A nice juicy amount of upload can soon [...]

Live stream to San Francisco for EventStreaming.TV

Live streaming events and company meetings is fast becoming the norm and this week Metaswitch entrusted Cambridge based EventStreaming.TV to produce, film and securely webcast their private event live to San Francisco. Salih Suavi of Metaswitch commented “We engaged EventStreaming.TV to video and stream our company meeting to a global audience. From the initial visit [...]

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